2022 Price Increase Of Phosphoric Acid

First, the phosphoric acid market overview 

Recently, the phosphoric acid market has been oscillating and running, there has been a state of rise and fall, and the market price stability is insufficient, and the main reasons for this situation are as follows:

1, raw material yellow phosphorus in recent days in a state of continuous fluctuations, yellow phosphorus manufacturers due to tight spot supply prices continue to rise, phosphoric acid production costs increased, but due to the general downstream demand, so the acceptance of high-priced raw materials is not high, procurement caution. Some manufacturers have early raw material reserves, temporarily do not purchase high-priced raw materials, coupled with insufficient confidence in the high price of the future market, local prices are downward; However, there are still some enterprises that have a certain just demand, and the purchase of high-priced raw materials has raised prices slightly while slightly increasing prices. 

2. Because the market trend is still not clear enough, some companies continue to wait and see and wait for changes. 

Second, market analysis 

This week, the price of raw material yellow phosphorus fell, the cost support declined, the shipment of phosphoric acid enterprises was general, and the volume of on-site transactions decreased. The industry is mainly wait-and-see, and the market is sorted out and run. 

This week, the price of raw material phosphate ore is stable. Some mining enterprises in Guizhou resumed construction, and only a small number of goods were sold to the outside world. Some mining enterprises in Guangxi mainly receive orders in advance, and orders are scheduled until mid-July. Hebei mining enterprises have no external supply of phosphate ore in the near future. 

The market price of raw material yellow phosphorus fell this week. At present, the market price of yellow phosphorus is more complicated, the market quotation is a bit chaotic, the shipment situation is not as good as last week, downstream and traders, more wait-and-see, take less volume, more cautious, more price purchase. 

Third, the future market forecast 

Niran biochemical analysts believe that this week’s raw material prices fell, the phosphoric acid market fell slightly, the price fell steadily, it is expected that the phosphoric acid market in the short term to sort out the operation, the price or continue to decline.


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