Research on Effects of Lysine and Arginine on Quality Chacterisitics of Pork Sausages

Color, texture and water holding capacity were the important characteristics of meat products. Currently, the modified methods of meat products had the disadvantages, the development of safe and effective modified methods on the meat products was one of the most important direction of meat processing industry. This paper mainly studied the effects of the amount of lysine/arginine, compound phosphates and sodium nitrite on the quality of pork sausages. Meanwhile, it studied the effects of lysine or arginine on the thermal charateristics and the micro structure of pork sausages by the means of differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM), respectively. Also, it investigated on the changes in TBA, pH and TVB-N values of the lysine or arginine pork sausages during 29-day store. The results were shown as the follows:

(1) The amount of 0.8% lysine significantly enhanced water holding capacity , hardness, springiness, chewiness and a* value of the pork sausages (P<0.05), reduced cooking loss and cohesiveness of the pork sausages( P><0.05), increased the sensory qualities (P><0.05), significantly; The amount of 0.1% compound phosphates to the lysine pork sausages increased hardness (P><0.05) and the sensory qualities, significantly (P><0.05); The addition of sodium nitrite to the lysine pork sausages enhanced a* value and sensory qualities (P><0.05) of pork sausages, significantly (P><0.05); According to the orthogonal experiment, the order of the factors was shown as thefollows: the amount of lysine> the amount of NaNO2> the amount of compound phosphates, the optimal ratio for the preparation pork sausages was illustrated as the follows: 0.8% lysine, 0.1% compound phosphates, 0.012% NaNO2

(2) The amount of 0.6% arginine significantly enhanced water holding capacity , hardness, springiness, chewiness and a* value of the pork sausages (P<0.05), reduced cooking loss and cohesiveness of the pork sausages( P><0.05), increased the sensory qualities (P><0.05), significantly; The amount of 0.2% compound phosphates added to the arginine pork sausages enhaced the hardness (P><0.05) and the sensory qualities, significantly (P><0.05); The addition of sodium nitrite to the arginine pork sausages enhanced a* value(P><0.05) and sensory qualities (P><0.05) of pork IV sausages, significantly; According to the orthogonal experiment, the order of the factors was shown as thefollows: the amount of arginine > the amount of NaNO2> the amount of compound phosphates, the optimal ratio for the preparation pork sausages was illustrated as the follows: 0.6% arginine, 0.2% compound phosphates, 0.012% NaNO2.

(3) Both TBA and TVB-N values of the pork sausages treated with a combination of lysine/arginine, compound phosphates and NaNO2 were significantly lower than those of the controls during store (P<0.05), which might be associated with the anti-oxidation and bacteriostasis of NaNO2, mostly.

(4) DSC: In comparison to the controls, the addition of 0.8% lysine increased the denaturation temperature of myosin and myosinogen from 54.4℃ and 67.57℃ to 58.48 and ℃ 70.28 ; ℃ the addition of 0.6% arginine increased the denaturation temperature of myosin and myosinogen from 54.4℃ and 67.57℃ to 57.52 and ℃ 70.54℃, respectively.

(5) SEM: The addition of 0.8% lysine or 0.6% arginine could prompt to form more smooth, uniform and dense surface.

The addition of lysine and arginine to pork sausages significantly improved characteristics of pork sausages, and thus showed a potential in the manufacture of pork product.

Keywords: Lysine; Arginine; Compound phosphates; Sodium nitrite; Pork sausage; Qualities


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